Early Learning Registration Information

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Half-day preschool classrooms provide students with the opportunity to learn and grow in inclusive classroom spaces prior to enrollment in Kindergarten.   Our students receive high-quality, rigorous early learning experiences while engaging with same-age peers with all different abilities. This is a locally funded program and space is limited.
Preschool students attend school either mornings or afternoons. 
Age: 4 years old on August 31st and will turn 5 years old on or after September 1st. 
Students ages 3-5 who receive special education services. 
Hosted at White River Early Learning Center
No Out of District Waivers Accepted
Transition to Kindergarten
Transition to Kindergarten (TtK) is a full-day early learning program for children who do not have access to early learning experiences prior to kindergarten. Students are identified through a screening process. The program is designed to provide additional preparation in order to be successful in Kindergarten. Space is limited.

Transition to Kindergarten students attend Monday - Friday for the full day.
Age: 4 years old on August 31st and will turn 5 years old on or after September 1st. 
Hosted at White River Early Learning Center
  • Eligibility for TtK is determined by the following factors (per state guidelines):
  • A child who has been determined by the local education agency to benefit from additional preparation for kindergarten through a screening process and tool and
  • A child who is at least four years old by August 31st of the school year in which they enroll in a transition to kindergarten program.
  • Priority to children most in need of additional preparation to be successful in kindergarten, as demonstrated through a screening process and tool.
  • Priority to children with the lowest family income not otherwise participating in another local program. 
No Out of District Waivers Accepted
Kindergarten is a full-day program hosted at both the Early Learning Center and Elk Ridge Elementary. Our students receive high-quality rigorous academic, social and behavioral instruction.  Our teachers provide a nurturing learning environment where children learn by engaging in active, hands-on activities. Teachers encourage curiosity and creativity and students can be seen singing, moving, creating and playing.
Kindergarten students attend Monday - Friday for the full day. 
Age: Student turns 5 prior to September 1st
Hosted at White River Early Learning Center and Elk Ridge Elementary
Please visit our Student Enrollment page to enroll your student.